The Sharon Water Department is committed to helping residents conserve water in Sharon.
This website is designed to help you discover ways to use water more efficiently in your homes and businesses. Here, you will find information on Sharon’s water resources and delivery system, rebates, conservation tips, and septic systems.
For any water-related questions, please call the Sharon Water Department at 781-784-1525 x2315
Loan Betterment Program for Septic Systems
Sharon homeowners in need of septic system repair, replacement, or upgrade are invited to apply to the town’s loan betterment program.
Through the program, homeowners can borrow funds at a 3.5 % interest rate for 20 years.
Loans are offered through an agreement between the Town of Sharon, the DEP, and the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust’s Community Septic Management Program.
Get more information about the program.

Fix Leaks: Sign up for FREE EyeOnWater Program
EyeOnWater is an online customer portal and phone application offered by the Town of Sharon Water Department which allows residents to connect to their water utility accounts to see how much water they are using.
This tool shows daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly usage activity through consumption graphs to help monitor and conserve water use. Customers can also sign up for leak alerts.
Go to to sign into your account.
How to sign up for EyeOnWater:
- Go to
- Enter your zip code and account number – customer number
- Enter your name and email address
- Create and confirm a password
- Check your email for verification message
- Click on link in email to verify your email address
- Enter your email address and password to sign in
- Once you are logged in you can view your water consumption and even set a leak alert
The EyeOnWater phone app is also available for Android and IOS devices in the App Store.
Once customers sign up for EyeOnWater they also receive alerts from the Water Division through the mobile phone app and email.
For more information contact the Town of Sharon Water Department at (781) 784-1525 ext.2315.
Polluted Stormwater Runoff is a Threat to Our Water Quality
When rain falls or snow melts, any chemicals, pet waste, or pollutants on streets and driveways can wash into storm drain systems, which empty into our streams and ponds.
Contaminants can also be transferred via groundwater or

Help reduce stormwater pollution and keep our water clean by:
- regularly maintaining your septic system
- reducing chemical use around your lawn and in your house
- always picking up after pets and throwing the waste into a trash can